Sunday, February 18, 2007

Designing a better desktop computer

I saw a story on CNN about a company that is producing custom desktop computers that aren't just the standard box design. Suissa Computers has the goal of creating luxury systems that can fit into the interior design scheme of a luxury living room. They're a little out of my price range, but I think they fit in with aspects of this class.


Andria said...

Completely unrelated to this post, but something I wanted to share with a sports fan:

Someone is photoshopping non-events into baseball cards.

Josh Meyer said...

Wow. Is that for real?!? I can't believe Topps would do that.

Andria said...

Well I guess baseball cards aren't journalism. Topps was working on branding, I guess, instead.

Lars said...

I was going to comment on the up-scale computer, which I really like (!) and then got caught in the photoshop issue above. I am not a sports fan, or even remotely interested in baseball or ditto cards, but found that stunt quite offensive on several levels...